12/01/2013 11AM While watching a program on TV, one of the speakers said something against the death penalty. At that instant, a STOOL SLAMMED just below our window. I started to feel very angry and pissed. SOMEONE FROM NEXT DOOR STARTED TO MOCK-LAUGH. 12/03 3AM I COULD BARELY GET UP (SAME WEAKENING BODY ACHE). 6:30AM I ENDED UP LEAVING THE HOUSE VERY LATE. THEN THERE WAS HEAVY TRAFFIC ALONG THE SMALL SIDE ROAD connecting our place to the main thoroughfare. As I got to the highway, THERE WAS MORE TRAFFIC (FOR SOME GODDAM REASON). **** I am not sure when this happened, but as I was on my way to work, A RED JEEP WITH NO TAIL LIGHTS SUDDENLY SWERVED NEAR THE CAB I WAS RIDING ON, CAUSING THE CAB TO JOLT AS THE CAB DRIVER TRIED TO STEER CLEAR. THE JEEP HAD THE PHRASE "GOD WILL MAKE A WAY" STRAPPED TO ITS REAR END. APPARENTLY EVEN SO-CALLED RELIGIOUS NIGGERS (CLAIMING TO BE ENLIGHTENED) ARE SEEMING...