The JOKER In A Cape

Never thought I would meet SUPER KID in my lifetime. 

Imagine, being able to SEE THROUGH WALLS and even REACT to (or MOCK) my soliloquy.  This kid must be SHEER GENIUS, until you realize that the kid seems to be ACTING OUT ALL BY HIMSELF,  which is logically impossible unless he came from a psych ward.

2016-07-01-18_04_25 kid reacting to my self talk.ogg

But we all know that couldn't be further from the truth.

There's no SUPER HERO with SUPER POWERS.  There's only ADULT PEEPING TOMS and the MILITARY.  Needless to say, that thought almost SHOCKED THE HELL OUT OF ME 15 years ago.


Don't get me wrong.  I have a deep appreciation and respect for technology and the people who invented them for HONEST TO GOODNESS PURPOSES, and to help us live our lives LESS MISERABLY.

But like ALWAYS, EVIL MANIACS and PSYCHOPATHS bloom like ALGAE and WEEDS in SEATS OF POWER.  And they think they are JUST BEING CUTE and FUNNY.

Maybe in addition to trying help alleviate this otherwise seemingly MEANINGLESS EXISTENCE, as what most PSYCHOS UNDOUBTEDLY THINK, thereby AUTHORING THE RAT RACE, the DOG EAT DOG MENTALITY and with it's latest offshoot, the SPLIT-GENDER PERSONALITY, I think we need to create INVENTIONS THAT ZAP MORONS OUT OF EXISTENCE as instantly as A MOSQUITO is to FIRE.

Sorry, I know I'm starting to sound morbid, but the thing is where SHOULD WE DRAW THE LINE and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH when almost EVERYONE else seems to be HAVING A GOOD TIME in perversion?

Going back to the SUPER KID and his SUPER FREAK mentor, I believe people in authority who DO or ALLOW this sort of PSYCHOLOGICAL MURDER, ought to be HANGED RIGHT AWAY and with NO MERCY.

They're actually NO DIFFERENT FROM A SURGEON who after opening up a patient, PLACES A TNT inside, and then SKIPS OFF TO HAPPILY EVER AFTER, pretending to IGNORE the LIFE LONG CONSEQUENCES to the VICTIM, and even to his ASSISTANTS.

And the worst part of it is that this sort of LUNACY is becoming more socially acceptable now than ever, and SPAWNING more collateral BRAIN damage.

MISERY loves COMPANY, so I think it won't be too long before these UNSEEMLY  characters DRAG the WHOLE WORLD down with them, with their miserable PARANOIA, HOLLOW INTELLIGENCE, endless BICKERING, a deplorable lack of sense of RESPONSIBILTY, and MAD RUSH to nowhere.

Unless what's LEFT of the SANE would finally come to a decision that ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and make a personal commitment to END MINDLESS and SELFISH STUPIDITY.


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