ACCOUNTS OF HARASSMENT 11/21-28/11 (updated)
11/21 7+AM (Still very sleepy; kept dozing off) Dickheads talk aloud as they pass by our room. 8+AM Kid started crying nearby. I slept very late the other night and these cheapshits are really doing their best to make me loose sleep. IT'S EITHER THAT OR THEY'RE JUST PLAIN IDIOTS. WHICHEVER CASE, I COULD NOT CARE ANY LESS IF THEY ALL JUST DISINTEGRATED INTO NOTHING. 9:28PM Fag suddenly bursts out in fiendish laughter (as if threatening). 10:09PM Bitch sings aloud (on mike) 'all by myself'. 10:34PM Dickhead next door sings aloud as I was about to doze off. Started to feel pissed. Motorbike below our window revs up. 11:09 PM Can't sleep anymore. 11/22 10:06PM Dickheads arrive next door while talking aloud. 10:17PM Motorbike just outside our window makes loud noises. 11:13PM As I was dozing off, a dickhead started talking even louder. Cigarette smoke enters our room. Can't sleep anymor...