10PM   (At the gate of subdivision) Guard with another dickhead laugh as I pass by a black car (with headlights on) near the gate.

1+AM   Fag with dickheads talk aloud in the hallway near my room.
1:59AM   Dickheads talking louder.  Someone also started talking which made my eyes twitch.
6AM? (uncertain of the time)  A bitch upstairs talking aloud in the hallway near our window.  
7:47AM   A kid ran past our door shouting.
8:17AM   Same kid passed by our door with a bitch and a fat dickhead.
8:24AM   A kid passed by again with bitch.  (While I was still lying down) A kid shrieked at random.  I was starting to feel pissed.  Felt something irritating on my chest per the kid's shriek.

7+AM   Big mouth fat bitch downstairs starting to shout.
10:57AM   Bitch next door (opposite room) said aloud "you're so hot".
3:17PM   (On a jeep)  Bitch started sucking noise with her teeth near my ear. 
3:30PM   (In a bank)  Bank tellers hooting and saying "oh come on" as I inquire about investment options.
8:30PM   (In a restroom at the office)  A bitch scowling at me.  Another bitch banged her bag on the sink counter top while looking at me.  Later on, same scowling bitch followed me as I went to another restroom.  

Apparently, this bitch belonged to a different group of hirees who got employed later than I.  It seems that the niggers couldn't get to me through my group (or "wave mates") so they hire other employees, outside my group, to do their dirty job of harassing me.

1:30AM   A male colleague, following me around from behind, while snorting (the whole time).  At the end of the shift, sneaked from behind and shouted a demeaning word into my ear.  Also getting physically abusive.

This same colleague has been constantly harassing me (under the guise of teasing) by making fun of my age even in front of other employees who are not part of our team.

5:24AM   Can't get to sleep.  Hearing a ring tone outside our door.
5:55AM   Palpitations. Indigestion. Can't sleep.  A dickhead outside cleared his throat aloud.  Something in my chest twitched.
10:47AM   Awakened by loud music beat.  
11:06AM   Dickhead and bitch talking aloud.  Smell of smoke inside my room causing me to sneeze repeatedly.
11:35AM   Runny nose and kept sneezing.

7:16AM   Awakened by a screaming kid upstairs.
8:54AM   Got awakened again by a dickhead shouting "what are you doing to me".  A fag said "mon" aloud as I took note.

This is the first day of my training on the job and these cheapshits are doing everything to screw my sleep.

9:36AM   I hear chatter outside our window.  When I doze off, someone shouts and my eyes twitch.  Maintenance staff dickheads also shouting.  Kid shrieking at random.  Dickheads talking aloud.  My eyes felt very heavy as I tried to wake up.
10:18AM   Feeling back pain and very sleepy.  Eyes feeling sore.  Dickheads continue to shout at random.
10:26AM   Still very sleepy, a dickhead starts wailing.  Kids hooting.
4+PM   (In the training room) Difficulty understanding lessons all throughout.  Feeling pain on my back, neck, nape and shoulder.

1:30AM   A bitch on the bus snagged my leg with her white and aquamarine colored rubber shoes, as I was trying to get off.
9:42AM   Smell of smoke inside my room.  Started to sneeze.
10:32AM   Smell of smoke in the hallway outside our room.
11:30+PM   (Outside our office)  A bitch with a dickhead companion, walked past while blowing smoke (into my face) and saying "if only he/she wasn't stupid".


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