Accounts of Harassment 9/19-10/2/2011 (Recovered Draft)

8:30+pm  On my way to work, a cement mixer almost ran me over as i was about to cross the street.  Dickhead in blue got on the jeep & sat next to me (to my left).  Felt some pain prickling the left of my neck.

I find it really strange why most dickheads prefer to harass me with their GODDAM RADAR device just to catch my attention, instead of just directly talking to me.  So I am justified to call them just that - DICKHEADS.

6+am  A taxi stopped beside the road & another dickhead in blue got off, walked near me & spat.

Apparently, ignoring the DICKHEAD IN BLUE on the jeep seems to give them enough reason to insult/harass me again.  ALL THE MORE REASON FOR ME TO IGNORE & REPORT THEM FOR HARASSMENT.


4:30+pm  A barker for the jeep got behind me as i was getting on & started muttering above my head - something about his greying hair & that he has really grown really old unlike his teenage days.  

As always, these filipino niggers love to make me feel bad about my age & appearance.  They don't like what I wear, etc.  UP TO NOW, THEY STILL WON'T ACCEPT THE HARD TRUTH THAT THERE'S REALLY NO ONE ELSE TO BLAME BUT THEM.


2:18pm  Cigarette smoke filtering into our toilet again.

3:36pm  Tobacco smoke starts to fill our room.


10:15am  Awakened by kids who were starting to shriek upstairs.  It stopped when I opened my eyes.  But when I closed my eyes & kept still, they started shouting again.

10:21am  I was about to doze off & the kid upstairs shrieked again.

10:30am  Kid shrieked "yeah!" just below our window.

12:25pm  Loud talk by cheapshit neighbors next door.

12:45pm  Cheapshits next door now shouting.

All the while I was trying to catch up on sleep on a weekend.

6:45pm  As I turned off the TV, dickhead on mike in the basketball area nearby (supposedly for a basketball tournament) came on, then stopped.

7:53pm  Someone from the room opposite ours, came.  Dickhead on the mike started again.

11:42pm  Tobacco smoke filtering through our toilet again.

11:57pm  More smoke.  Now filling our room.  Group of dickheads outside suddenly guffaw as i take note of this on my mobile phone.


1:28am  Awakened by a dickhead & a bitch talking aloud upstairs near our window.  My throat (or mouth) felt dry & tasted like tobacco smoke.  Can't sleep.

3:07am  Still can't sleep.  So I had a snack.  A dickhead passed by & said ' he/she really wants to get ridiculed'.

3:24am  Fag and/or loud mouth bitch came through hallway nearby & laughed aloud.

3:37am  Sporadic chatter in the hallway upstairs & at the lobby.

4:17am  Still can't sleep.  Feeling very uncomfortable due to palpitations.

4:38am  Feeling sore in the chest & head due to palpitations.

4:52am  About to doze off, but a baby upstairs started making noises.

5:10am  About to doze off again, but a dickhead started talking aloud.  More chatter.  I was starting to feel really pissed.

1:45pm  Feeling really dizzy & sluggish.  Sore & head felt heavy.  Dickhead sings outside as i take note of this.

1:58pm  Loud music starts in basketball court.  Felt heavy palpitations.  Started to get really pissed as I felt something up my behind.

6+pm  On my way to the supermarket, a dickhead in dark blue or black (with cap on) threatened to block my way.

9:13pm  As I was readying for sleep, tobacco smoke from the opposite room filtered into our room.  

10:23pm  (Basketball tournament just finished) Fag laughed aloud.  A kid stomps his feet & hollers.  A dickhead shouts.

10:42pm  A security guard passes by.  A fag & a bitch suddenly laugh.  While lying on my side, I stick my tongue out & mouth 'no deal forever', facing the wall.  Fag & the big mouth bitch guffaw in response.  Palpitations start.


1:10am  Still can't sleep.  Heavy palpitations hurting my head & chest.  Loud music beat starts.  Felt a bit relieved.

1:25am  Started to do laundry.  Big mouth fat bitch downstairs shouts.

1:55am  Suddenly woke up dazed.


11+pm  (While inside the training room with colleagues at work) Bitch in light blue shirt passed by & informally warned us not to sit on the table (there was not enough chairs in the room).  A male colleague cited me about it again.  I started to feel really pissed.

1am  Same bitch in the light blue shirt, with a smirk on her face, pushed an exit button on the wall as I was standing behind it.  


9:30am  Loud beat playing outside.

4:05pm  Got late due to revolving bars (at the entrance) suddenly gone defective.  Two female colleagues stood in front and gave me the impression (or pretended) that they were also late.  But I found out later on that they weren't.  Same colleague gave me misleading information previously, which resulted to my having to walk back and forth over a long distance.


8:30+pm  Tobacco smoke coming from opposite room.

8:50+pm   Smoke filtered into toilet after we closed the main door.  Nose started getting more stuffy.  Having a hard time trying to digest my food.

10:46pm  More smoke.

These filipino niggers want to confuse us (my mother & I) as to where the smoke is really coming from.  My mother is getting irritable due to lack of sleep and refuses to believe that the smoke could also be coming through the toilet via the drain pipe, and not just from the neighbor's open door opposite our room.  Well of course, that would really sound ludicrous to someone who's not familiar with harassment.  So I would look like a looney if I try to explain the probability that some asshole in a unit downstairs (or upstairs) have found a way to filter tobacco smoke through our toilet's drain.  These cheapshits have managed to brand me with schizophrenia, time and again, through such methods.

2+pm  Tobacco smoke coming from toilet as I was about to launder my clothes.  My nose allergy started acting up.  

7:50pm  Fag and big mouth fat bitch downstairs starting to chatter loudly.

9:05pm  Groups of people suddenly laughing aloud as my mother and I started arguing about something.

9:08pm  Fag mockingly laughs aloud (directing his face to our window) as I hum a tune.



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