11AM I realized that I failed to bring my ID to work. As I applied for a temporary one, A DICKHEAD STANDING NEARBY SHOUTED "IDIOT" which was also heard by my supervisor who was standing next to me.
5PM STARTING TO FEEL ULCER LIKE PAIN IN MY STOMACH AGAIN even if I was not hungry (had two meals at home).
6PM DICKHEADS IN BLACK SAID IN FRONT OF ME "WE WON" AS THEY SHOOK HANDS. THE THIN TATTOOED DICKHEAD PASSED BY RUBBING HIS HANDS TOGETHER HAPPILY. I STARTED TO FEEL BAD AND DISORIENTED AGAIN A FEW SECONDS LATER. I STOPPED WORKING AND FINISHED ONLY HALF OF MY ALLOTTED QUOTA. I had to go to the locker room and was about to write this all down when I STARTED TO FEEL CHILLS. GROUPS CAME IN CHATTERING ALOUD AND LAUGHING. I WAS MET BY THE DARK UGLY FAT CROSS DRESSING FAG AT THE LOCKER. A few minutes later, as I came back to my station, my supervisor called me in and inquired about incidences of indirect talk or comments and profanity that agents, and even other supervisors, claim that they heard from me.
5PM STARTING TO FEEL ULCER LIKE PAIN IN MY STOMACH AGAIN even if I was not hungry (had two meals at home).
6PM DICKHEADS IN BLACK SAID IN FRONT OF ME "WE WON" AS THEY SHOOK HANDS. THE THIN TATTOOED DICKHEAD PASSED BY RUBBING HIS HANDS TOGETHER HAPPILY. I STARTED TO FEEL BAD AND DISORIENTED AGAIN A FEW SECONDS LATER. I STOPPED WORKING AND FINISHED ONLY HALF OF MY ALLOTTED QUOTA. I had to go to the locker room and was about to write this all down when I STARTED TO FEEL CHILLS. GROUPS CAME IN CHATTERING ALOUD AND LAUGHING. I WAS MET BY THE DARK UGLY FAT CROSS DRESSING FAG AT THE LOCKER. A few minutes later, as I came back to my station, my supervisor called me in and inquired about incidences of indirect talk or comments and profanity that agents, and even other supervisors, claim that they heard from me.
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