A look into the chaotic world of cheap, covert, local and foreign dis-Organized Gang Stalking, and its aftermath of oppression and human rights abuses.
#Filipino Organized Stalking in Video
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Mafia In My Backyard http://www.looplr.com/channel/5313
Tracking #Filipino #Gangstalking, Social Engineering, Street Theatre, Visual/Verbal BLACK #PROPAGANDA and #Harassment (audio/video)
Never thought I would meet SUPER KID in my lifetime. Imagine, being able to SEE THROUGH WALLS and even REACT to (or MOCK) my soliloquy. This kid must be SHEER GENIUS, until you realize that the kid seems to be ACTING OUT ALL BY HIMSELF, which is logically impossible unless he came from a psych ward. 2016-07-01-18_04_25 kid reacting to my self talk.ogg But we all know that couldn't be further from the truth. There's no SUPER HERO with SUPER POWERS. There's only ADULT PEEPING TOMS and the MILITARY. Needless to say, that thought almost SHOCKED THE HELL OUT OF ME 15 years ago. Now, it's ALL JUST PLAIN CHEAP PARLOUR TRICKS. Don't get me wrong. I have a deep appreciation and respect for technology and the people who invented them for HONEST TO GOODNESS PURPOSES, and to help us live our lives LESS MISERABLY. But like ALWAYS, EVIL MANIACS and PSYCHOPATHS bloom like ALGAE and WEEDS in SEATS OF POWER. And they think they are JUST BEING CUTE and FUN...
Im not really sure how to say this but my life is just one WHOLE GODDAM CONSPIRACY master minded by IDIOTS. There's one who claims he's JAMES BOND but his weapons of choice are, INSTEAD OF EXPENSIVE GIZMOS or gadgets, UNEMPLOYED chauvinist bird brains, female victims of SINGLE PARENTING, and the overly ecstatic always trying to dizzyingly mislead SPLIT-GENDERS. Another claims he's BATMAN or Bruce Wayne, who's so goddam rich he CAN'T BE CAUGHT ALIVE BEING SEEN in public. So he just spends most of his time HIDING in the shadows and fighting crime that ONLY EXISTS IN HIS HEAD. And of course, how can we forget SUPERMAN? He seems to have a knack for using his XRAY VISION, but not to see through HYPOCRITES and TWO-FACED KISS-ASS DIPLOMATS, but rather to RELIEVE HIS SEXUAL APPETITE, which is the size of his EGO. There are still a great MANY HOST of superheroes whom I am just too BORED to mention here anymore, because they all just actually mean the same thing: they...
Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-07-13-22_03_02 car arrives+post deleted+reactions below+feelin very pissed+sensation up my ass.ogg https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzu4AEDnGTjuS1Ffams2RmFRVE0/view?usp=drivesdk * It's the WHORES BELOW'S FAVORITE GAME. Whatever it is that I am preoccuppied with GETS DISRUPTED, with ACCOMPANYING GIGGLES AND MOCKING REMARKS below courtesy of Jabba and her whores, including fags. The more I had WORKED HARD on a certain task, or spent a LOT OF TIME with it THE BETTER. Their I.T. nigger (hiding nearby) screws it up, and a SUDDEN DOWNHEARTED HEAVY FEELING IMMEDIATELY STARTS, even if I was just STARTING TO THINK ABOUT IT, followed by a SENSATION UP MY ASS. I have no words to describe it but this must be the WORST FORM OF SEXUAL BRAINWASHING that anyone could go through. The prick that these "VIRTUAL PIMPS" are doi...
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