Gang Stalking Live: We DON'T Like You

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio):

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles

160528_110349 violent sniff_outside window.mp4

*  Another way of saying, WE DON'T APPROVE OF WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU DID.  Judging from the INNUMERABLE incidents I heard them do this IN FRONT, BESIDE, BEHIND ME, not to mention in MY HEAD and EVERYWHERE I GO, they must REALLY HATE ME VERY MUCH.

So WHY THE HELL are they still FOLLOWING ME AROUND?  That's the usual question I get every time some MORON ONLINE pretends to be a
friend, and I was just TOO DESPERATE TO NOTICE.

How should I know.  I am just the accused LUNATIC of WRONGDOING and they are the supposed SAINTS of RIGHTEOUSNESS who just LOVE to COMPLAIN, and MAKE NUMEROUS SIMILAR SLIP UPS, and just LAUGHS ABOUT it even if it ALMOST COST ME MY LIFE, and MAKES DEMANDS without PAYING FOR ANY OF THEM, and FORCES me to TRUST THEM without question even if they COULD NOT REALLY DELIVER like the MULTIPLE TIMES they FORCED me to JUMP, and EACH TIME I ended up SPLATTERING onto the HARD GROUND of REALITY.

Believe me, I tried.  But they REALLY DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL.

So maybe it's better for everyone if they just start SNIFFING at each other instead, and to JUSTLY COMPENSATE me while they're at it.

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