Gang Stalking Live: 160528_134842.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio):

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles

160528_134842  idea_im just faking it+vs idea_look whos talking+self talk_when is this goin to end+my head_its their choice+left leg twitched+idea_more u post d more wont pay+left twitches_posted mind control.mp4

*  Complete list:  

idea_im just faking it+vs idea_look whos talking+self talk_when is this goin to end+my head_its their choice+left leg twitched+idea_more u post d more wont pay+left twitches_posted mind control+head_what is it they have vs talking decently w u?+idea_nakikisama na nga sa inyo e+self talk_talaga abusado raw_hoot next door+idea_blogs dont have much effect+ cant post_kid says talo (very softly)+idea_a bit lonely here+vs idea_not if i finally get paid money HANDSOMELY

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