Gang Stalking Live: Tickle Your Funny Bone - VOO DOO Style

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio):

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles

160528_110906  giggly_even if i dont feel like it.mp4

*  This is probably a good thing if you're amongst TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE, and NOT CERTIFIED RAPISTS and OPPORTUNISTS.

Otherwise, it's like you're SOME DRUGGED SHEEP with a BIG STUPID SMILE on your face while you're being LED TO THE SLAUGHTER.

And the only excuse that your executioners need is to TELL YOU THAT YOU LIKED IT ANYWAYS, because you were SMILING or you SMILED.

Pretty much the same lie they have been feeding and conditioning me OVER and OVER again.  Why do you think I got admitted into the looney's bin 3 times, and sexually assaulted twice?

I think what they're really trying to do is to make a PUBLIC SPECTACLE of me to EVERY CHAUVINIST and RAPIST out here, and to OTHER COUNTRIES as well, that they can BRAINWASH or "TRAIN" me into becoming WORSE than a prostitute for hire - a whore FOR FREE.

All they needed to do is MAKE ME FEEL GIGGLISH and the sexual abuse can be DISMISSED as between two CONSENTING ADULTS.

Sounds like the abducted and drugged teenagers in the movies right? Nothing could be worse than that, except that you dont just lie around drugged and almost oblivious to whats going on, and just waiting for the next dickhead to use you. 

You are still REQUIRED TO RUN AFTER your POTENTIAL RAPISTS and SEXUAL ASSAULTERS through SIGNALLING CARS or at the sound of a CAR HORN, with MATCHING PANIC ATTACKS and INSULTS that you are TOO SLOW, STIFF or DULL that's why these DICKHEADS WON'T FALL or WAIT FOR YOU.  And so you would have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

If you refused?  You would have HELL literally every where you go, to the point that even your own family would DISOWN you.

Oh and they also claim to be God-fearing, by the way.  That's why they love to show-off bumper stickers that say IN GOD WE TRUST.  So DON'T you DARE ACCUSE THEM of any wrongdoing, for it is JUST THEIR CHRISTIAN DUTY to TEST you.

Now it's starting to sound like a CHEAP OCCULT HORROR film.  Whatever the hell it is, the worst isn't over.  You still have to fend for yourself, get a regular job (where MORE NIGGERS would be standing by to HARASS and VIOLATE you - unless you want to work as a full time stripper) and ACT like EVERYTHING is JUST FINE, or you're family would put you back in a psych ward.  That actually would have been a lot better if your family were FILTHY RICH. 

But since we're not, after a few weeks, I get pulled out and forced to continue taking ROBOTIC pills with LONG-TERM side effects like memory loss, etc, while trying to pick up the pieces again.  And when I have finally regained some order back into my life, the MAYHEM starts ALL OVER AGAIN.

What's even more sad is that they have been using my mother's beliefs to exploit and use her against me, again FOR FREE.  Whereas they would BRIBE the rest - SQUATTERS, GOONS, MANAGERS, EXECUTIVES you name it.

So the next time these MORONS think that an INDUCED GIGGLISH FEELING can make me forget all that, THEY CAN THINK AGAIN.

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