Gang Stalking Live: Induced Anxiety Disorder

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio):

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles

160605_195950 palpitations+ feelin very pissed+kid shriek-giggle.mp4

*  How could this possibly be a setup?  The kid was just added in to make their DARK ACTIONS appear INNOCENT and FUN.  I would probably get duped again if I WAS BORN YESTERDAY.

Other than the fact that I have never had a history of any mental or nervous breakdown, and had a wide circle of friends, before this GODDAM DEMONIC CIRCUS came to town.

We just happened to have an uncle who for some reason became cuckoo due to financial problems.  But other than that, everyone in my family tree were BORN quite SANE. 

But that was enough excuse for these MAFIA CHEAPSHITS to put me away in a looney bin.  Imagine to my HORROR, when the LYING PSYCH WARDEN BASTARDS started LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH about my "obvious" signs of psychosis, by pointing out the manner I push my TOOTHPASTE from the bottom and not from the middle. 

Thinking about it right now, makes me want to PUNCH their LYING TEETH into their face.

The goddam CLINICAL WHORES with Phds were MORE THAN EAGER to look for HOLES in my story rather than point out the fact that there could possibly be A GROUP OF MANIACS who followed me home from MAFIA LAND of oriental chauvinists, and should immediately REPORT it to the authorities instead.

I am not really quite sure what made these so-called CHRISTIAN doctors transform into DOUBLE FACED STIFFS, but I felt like EVERYTHING CRASHED DOWN around me when they made their "diagnosis",  - A LIFETIME of medicated STUPOR.

The MAD ILLITERATE E.L.F. toting VOODOO PSYCHOS hiding around me made sure that I SUFFER FROM PANIC ATTACKS almost EVERYDAY to STRENGTHEN their COVER and HIDE THEIR ASSES from prosecution, and to continue their GODDAM DARK SCHEMES of FORCING me to cooperate and RUN after some GODDAM CAR who's supposed to take me to PRINCE broad-cheeks ROACH-FACE.

Not to mention their THREATS of RUINING my LIFE over and over again till I am way beyond my CHILDBEARING AGE if I FAIL to get into the RIGHT CAR.  This was "INDIRECTLY" SAID OUT LOUD by one SECURITY GUARD to another, in their classic FAKE ROLEPLAY style of FORCING ME to hear their not-so-secret and FAR-FROM-PRIVATE messages THROWN AROUND in public.

They sure are ruining my life, for 15 years now.  But I will KILL them first if they ever force me again into following or "OBEYING" their LUDICROUS, MASOCHISTIC, RETARDED CHAUVINIST RAPIST, PSEUDO COURTSHIP schemes again.

Believe me, I will KILL.

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