Gang Stalking Live: The Retard Translator
Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio):
The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles
2016-06-05_10-05-26 kids hooting_acting up+water noise+idea_reminder re bath water.3gp
* Ideas are seemingly "ECHOED" or "BEAMED" into my head to "explain" what could POSSIBLY be the meaning of these SOUND CUES.
It's AS IF IT STILL MATTERED. I get attacked everyday ON ALL FRONTS, kicked out of my job more than anyone else in their NORMAL STATE OF MIND, and just recently had my screen door KNOCKED DOWN leaving it with a GAPING HOLE and with NO INDICATION WHATSOEVER as to when it is going to GET PAID and ACCOUNTED FOR.
And NONE OF THESE so-called LIFE and DEATH CUES were able to help me AT ALL. Apparently, it's just another of these NIGGERS' SCHEMES to get me to RESPOND TO their CHAUVINIST CUSTOMERS' SUMMONS, and also to PUT ME BACK on their CHEAP APPROVAL-DISAPPROVAL NO-REWARD behaviour conditioning FREE FOR ALL HUMAN-SLAVERY
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