Gang Stalking Live: Sticks and Stones Niggers' Style
They wont break my bones but they'd SURE LOVE TO BREAK MY TEETH. Actually, they have already succeeded in CHIPPING OUT HALF of one molar.
How they succeeded in doing that has always been the same pattern. I would be influenced thru an E.L.F. device to have VERY STRONG ALMOST PAINFUL HUNGER PANGS. Then I seem to go thru some kind of TRANCE while unmindfully chewing my food IN A RUSH.
And all of a sudden, I BITE INTO the implanted bits of ROCK in my food and PRESTO, my tooth been CHIPPED IN HALF.
Pics: The brownish rock bits came from my peanut butter just a few mins ago, while the black one came from my red rice almost a year ago. There was also a cow's tooth that I got from the office cafeteria when I was still working (unfortunately, I gave it back to the cook as their souvenir).
Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment:
The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles
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