Gang Stalking Live: Misjudged Harassments?

How can a HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE be possibly misjudged?  It's back to their previous claims that FORCED SEX and SEXUAL ASSAULT were between CONSENTING ADULTS eventhough the CONSENT WAS FORCED, and as for the latter, it was for MEDICAL PURPOSES like PAP SMEAR by a gynecologist (and according to the MANIAC himself, to CHECK if I was STILL A VIRGIN or NOT) done by a driver living in the SQUATTERS' AREA, with WART INFECTED hands, and the other suffering from TOBACCO HALITOSIS.

Only the UTTERLY STUPID or someone suffering from the "ALCATRANCE" syndrome under "VIRTUAL GUANTANAMO SHOCK THERAPY" could have MISJUDGED that for something as "CHARITABLE" or "ANGELIC" acts.

And as for the "WALK OF SHAME" on Hell's Road, which was more of like the walk of DISILLUSIONMENT, being MISTAKEN for BULLYING, HARASSMENT, PUBLIC HUMILIATION, and BRIDE TRAFFICKING or WHORING IN PUBLIC at best, they can just explain that to MY BLISTERED SOLES and ACHING partial scoliosis spined BACK.

Or better yet IN COURT, but MOST PREFERABLY as their last words before they GET EXECUTED.

SIXTEEN PLUS YEARS.  Who they still trying to FOOL HERE?

Related To

The Mafia (or RETARDS) in My Backyard Chronicles:

Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

I get these types of notifications when I seem to be HITTING A NERVE.  Actually, I was aiming for the JUGULAR.


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