Murder by NOISE

Shouting in the small basketball court was irritating enough, as our room is STRATEGICALLY situated to ABSORB ALL the sounds made in the parking area below, but they wanted more IMPACT it seemed.  So they also brought in SPEAKERS and an announcer who seemed to have had his broadcasting internship from the local carnival.

So the noise level has risen to UNBEARABLE you'd think it's a WAR STRATEGY against a formidable enemy (oh I get it, it's me again).

It's either the engineers who planned this place are TOTAL MORONS, or just trying to SAVE MONEY at the EXPENSE of the residents.  I believe, however, that if you're just smart enough to know the difference between what's necessary from what's superflous, then this PRETTY BASIC ACOUSTIC planning error should not have happened in the first place.

So I guess it must be a head problem.

At any rate, add that to the MALICIOUS INTENT TO HARASS and GANG UP on a person and you have the perfect environment FOR PARASITES to flourish.

And our room which was originally bought facing the outside of the building, ended up FACING the four walls of four buildings with only the skyline for open space.  They did so by making sure to INDEFINITELY DELAY our building's TURN OVER, forcing us to make do with this BOXED-IN, CLAUSTROPHOBIA inducing one, to escape the tyranny of renting forever.

So I guess you already know the rest of the story.  FOR  7 YEARS and GROWING LONGER, NOISE and VERBAL ASSAULTS from PERP PERVERTS, CHAUVINISTS and WHORES posing as neighbors and MVP wanna be TURDS, and let's not forget their PEDOPHILED young apprentices, were my BEST FRIENDS (from hell).  

2016-07-23_14-43-37 noise pollution on speakers.mp4

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The Game of Turds:       Season Forgotten

Arrow points to where the small baaketball court is located, behind the building to the left.  As you can see, our room is right in front of a monster "megaphone".

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles:   

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