The Insecure No-Intelligence Secret Service (Servicing Themselves) Morons are Back!
Just one of the many INSECURITIES of this secret but NO-INTELLIGENCE service, and they wonder why I have evolved into a monster.
I really wonder why their hidden IT idiot (or idiots) kept screwing my TV signal during certain program segments or shows like Gumball and Nat Geo when they indirectly, and most likely by accident, showcase and depict CULTURAL or RACIAL idiosyncrasies (more aptly IDIOCY if you ask me).
What's the big deal, right? Well HIGHLY INSECURE MORONS, who LOVE to take themselves TOO SERIOUSLY would think otherwise. And I think they would even fight to the death just to save their FACE, no matter how "UN-SAVABLE" it is BY NOW.
Why am I being saddled by such STUPID burdens? This is NOT even MY PROBLEM.