Dumbass Propaganda: You Will Never Be Good Enough
This was the very first image I saw after I logged into my Google+ account earlier, which falls nothing short of the job description of the "Accuser of Men (and Women)." The figure's gender seems to be highly questionable too, don't you think? Their usual boring tagline, "You Will Never Be Good Enough." And I mean, in all aspects of being a woman, which includes dating, like they are the "ultimate" standards or epitome of womanhood. They are the only ones "who are good enough" to claim title to the feminine gender.
What a vivid imagination.
The word "dumbass"was mentioned in one of my previous posts and these #Niggers had literally used that to indirectly mock me. This could possibly be due to one of my most recent post wherein I had disclosed their remotely operated "torture sessions" being done against me once again.
Or was it because, despite their NON-STOP noise and verbal harassment, I was hell-bent on trying to find a means to earn a living online, after numerous failed attempts to keep a regular job or to find one, thanks to their chaotic Squatter Service's Match-Making cum Harassment and Bullying everyday agenda.
Their main "EXCUSE" for such atrocities is what you're seeing right in front of you. That's their off-hand, HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE manner, of trying to explain away their crime, if they were even trying to explain at all.
Too harsh for something as harmless as trying to find someone a date, don't you think? Believe it or not, that's how serious they are, and seventeen (17) years, to remind.
The backdrop actually resembles the singular wall in my room where I setup Skype for online job interviews. So most likely this was taken in one of many similar units in the same condo where I live.
Why is it that they always claim that homosexuals are such "experts" in the dating and flirting game? Is it because they think they know their "failed" gender better than women do? Why is that even possible when the only gender that they usually, and could only, attract are just like them?
Besides, isn't that a natural, no-brainer thing for most women? I said most, taking into consideration that some of us are just too insecure and shy because we were brought up that way. But given a little adoring push by the opposite gender, and not the "failed" or third-kind obtuse one, and we transform quite naturally.
But then, not that such highly imbecilic, myopic, and at best, opinions of the unprincipled illiterates really mattered. Maybe I should just show my ass online with a toothy smile instead? I'm quite sure that would send tons of perverts into my site.
But then again, who wants perverts for fans? Just a food for thought.
#ElectromagneticDevicesForTorture, #harassment, #intimidation, #NerveTorture, #NeuralMonitoringAndTorture, #MafiaAndRetardsInMyBackyard, #GangStalkingLive, #Disorganized Gang Stalking, #repression, #oppression, #discrimination, #bullying, #InducedDrowsyFeeling, #TheSecretSquatterService, #GuantanamoBayTorture, #PsychologicalAndMentalTorture, #ElectromagneticLowFrequency, #NonLethatWeapons, #PsychologicalWarfare, #NiggersAndGuantanamo, #TheNiggerSpies, #TheNoBudgetSpies, #TheFeudalGovt, #GuerillaWarfareForOppression, #MK2UltraCheapStyle, #DisorganizedGangStallking, #WhenIlliteratesRule, #GaysAsPerpetrators, #LGBTsWhoDiscriminate, #LGBTVersusStraightWomen, #TheGayGenderIdeology, #GenderIdeologyForOppression, #HumanRightsAbuseByGays, #HowHarshGaysCanBe, #IntimidationByTheLGBT, #YouAreJustADumbass, #WantToDateSmarter
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