Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160528_105737 drama backgrd+sniffing+my reply.mp4 * Based from experience, once they get what they want, THE NON-STOP ACCUSATIONS, MOCKERY and INSULTS STARTS. They were able to do this for 15 years. The pattern is pretty much the same: PLEADINGS - GLEE (once they got a deal/s with some RICH MORON/S) - ROLEPLAYS - "TEAM" INTEGRATION - BRIDE TRAFFICKING thru FAKE "TEAM MATES" - HARASSMENT - MORE MATCH-MAKING - INTENSIFIED HARASSMENT + E.L.F. TORTURE - JOB TERMINATION THREATS - then FINAL TERMINATION. The process is ALWAYS TRAUMATIZING, as I am being CONSTANTLY, BLOCKED, DRAGGED, LIED TO, MANIPULATED, INSULTED, MALIGNED, ACCUSED, BLAMED, ASSAULTED and ALL MY EFFORTS SABOTAGED and BELITTLED, whatever I do and EVERYWHERE I GO. Once they hav...