
Showing posts from June, 2016

Gang Stalking Live: Sticks and Stones Niggers' Style

They wont break my bones but they'd SURE LOVE TO BREAK MY TEETH.  Actually, they have already succeeded in CHIPPING OUT HALF of one molar.  How they succeeded in doing that has always been the same pattern.  I would be influenced thru an E.L.F. device to have VERY STRONG ALMOST PAINFUL HUNGER PANGS.  Then I seem to go thru some kind of TRANCE while unmindfully chewing my food IN A RUSH.  And all of a sudden, I BITE INTO the implanted bits of ROCK in my food and PRESTO, my tooth been CHIPPED IN HALF. Pics:   The brownish rock bits came from my peanut butter just a few mins ago, while the black one came from my red rice almost a year ago.  There was also a cow's tooth that I got from the office cafeteria when I was still working (unfortunately, I gave it back to the cook as their souvenir). Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment: The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles http://stormnotsilentany...

Gang Stalking Live: 160606_024859 whistling dh.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160606_024859 whistling dh.mp4 Pic Source: Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160606_023045 flak.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160606_023045 flak.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Sound of Pee

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160606_022509 running water noise+sudden urge to pee.mp4 *  I mean WHAT THE HELL FOR?  Trying to remind someone to pee?  Who they taking care of here?  RETARDS?  And they COMPLAIN WHY I NEVER ACT NORMAL whenever they're around. Pic Source Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160607_005517.amr

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160607_005517.amr Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-06 00-02-54.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-06 00-02-54.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

The Traffic Cartel

The Traffic Cartel

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard Chronicles: June 05 2016

Gang Stalking Live:   June 05  2016 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking Tracking #Filipino Perpetrated and #Foreign Supported #Organized #Stalking, #E.L.F. #SENSORY or #NEURAL #MANIPULATION, #BEHAVIOUR #MODIFICATION/CONDITIONING, #HUMAN #EXPERIMENTATION, #TORTURE, VERBAL/NOISE #HARASSMENT, #SABOTAGE, #OPPRESSION and Human Rights ABUSES

Gang Stalking Live: The Butt Chaser Mind Control Masochist

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05 22-33-35  feelin pissed again+idea_niggers causing me to sleep late on purpose+up my ass+idea_my getting affected shows niggers in control+car slam_pissed again+up my ass+feelin very bad_like crying+up my ass+thud next door_pissed again.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Ghosts of Uncertainty or Stupidity

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_20-54-54 loud open-close door+felt pissed+my reply.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Dr Voodoo & Poltergeist United

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_205145 more thuds+very pissed feeling+my reply.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Imbecile Poltergeist Continues

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_204405 more thuds next door.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Seeds of Chucky

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_195950 palpitations+ feelin very pissed+kid shriek-giggle.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Curse Voodoo Doctor

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_170928 something fell+idea_cursing+choking uncontrollably.mp4 *  I think what these MAD ILLITERATE FAKE SCIENTISTS are trying to do is to FORCE ME to start cursing or swearing. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Induced Anxiety Disorder

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_195950 palpitations+ feelin very pissed+kid shriek-giggle.mp4 *  How could this possibly be a setup?  The kid was just added in to make their DARK ACTIONS appear INNOCENT and FUN.  I would probably get duped again if I WAS BORN YESTERDAY. Other than the fact that I have never had a history of any mental or nervous breakdown, and had a wide circle of friends, before this GODDAM DEMONIC CIRCUS came to town. We just happened to have an uncle who for some reason became cuckoo due to financial problems.  But other than that, everyone in my family tree were BORN quite SANE.  But that was enough excuse for these MAFIA CHEAPSHITS to put me away in a looney bin.  Imagine to my HORROR, when the LYING PSYCH WARDEN BASTARDS started LYI...

Gang Stalking Live: The Dubious Miracle

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_194157 key jiggling timed to my movt+feeln very pissed+back ab pain gone.mp4 *  Cant really figure this one out.  It's like the VODOO TORTURERS are NOT IN LEAGUE with the POLTERGEIST MEDIUMS. But based on YEARS of CHAOTIC EXPERIENCE, they ARE. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Sound Effects for Cheap Horror Films

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_201947 still very pissed+thuds next door timed to my movts+feelin very warm_sweating+mental blocks.mp4 *  Except that I am NOT GETTING PAID for getting DRAGGED INTO THIS. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The UnWelcome Committee

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_15-02-14 a shriek_soon as i got out of bath.3gp *  Apparently, even taking a bath for these RETARDS is taboo. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live Keeping Tabs: Torture Extended

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_182035 back+ab pain.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Players Without Balls

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_170530 loud slams in background.mp4 *   What could be worse than AIRHEADS without BALLS?  Nothing really.  How about a FAGGOT?  Was there ever a DIFFERENCE between the two? Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live Keeping Tabs: Torture Continuation

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_175318 back + ab pain.mp4 *  Is there a POINT to this?  You'll find out soon enough. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live Keeping Tabs: On Torture

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_174800 feelin very heavy+back+lower ab pain.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Foul Voice in the Air

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_174424 very subtly said_sira ulo.mp4 Pic Source Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live Keeping Tabs: The Peeping Maniac's Unsolicited Reply

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_172835 self talk_dh hoot+feelin very heavy.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Keeping Tabs on Neural Torture

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_172019 feelin very heavy.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live Keeping Tabs: App Sabotage

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_171318 app fr prev rec wont save.mp4 *  You cant actually hear anything fom here.  Just for documentation purposes. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: My Head, The Morons' Sounding Board

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_15-19-08 counter arguments+strong irritating feeling.3gp *  How the hell were these MORONS able to GAIN ACCESS into MY HEAD? Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: My Bladder's Illegal Keeper

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_12-29-16  sudden very painful urge to pee_ as i prep for bath.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Thin Air Disapproves

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_10-40-25  moron said no_outside_near door.3gp *  And WHO ARE YOU exactly? Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Voice Over Morons

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_10-37-41 closed my eyes_loud oh.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Retard Translator

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_10-05-26 kids hooting_acting up+water noise+idea_reminder re bath water.3gp *  Ideas are seemingly "ECHOED" or "BEAMED" into my head to "explain"  what could POSSIBLY be the meaning of these SOUND CUES. It's AS IF IT STILL MATTERED.  I get attacked everyday ON ALL FRONTS, kicked out of my job more than anyone else in their NORMAL STATE OF MIND, and just recently had my screen door KNOCKED DOWN leaving it with a GAPING HOLE and with NO INDICATION WHATSOEVER as to when it is going to GET PAID and ACCOUNTED FOR. And NONE OF THESE so-called LIFE and DEATH CUES were able to help me AT ALL.  Apparently, it's just another of these NIGGERS' SCHEMES to get me to RESPOND TO their CHAUVINIST CUSTOMERS' SUMMONS, and...

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-05_08-45-04.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_08-45-04.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Mind Control Nagger Style

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_08-35-06  nagging ideas_hurry up.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: More Lab Rat Sessions

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_07-50-43  very itchy left nostril+eyes.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Lab Rat Torture Sessions

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_024839 itchy nose.amr *  INDUCED SNEEZING can last for several hours until my throat is so GODDAM SORE and I end up getting VERY DIZZY and end up CATCHING A REAL COLD. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Remote Controlled Temperature

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160605_023840 overly warm.amr Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-05_02-23-07.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_02-23-07.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-05_02-06-25.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-05_02-06-25.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Cave Scaredy Cat Dwellers

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_003931 reactions on ceiling.mp4 *  I find it REALLY STRANGE that these "CEILING DWELLERS"  did not react at all when I was being assaulted by the GODDAM DICKHEAD the other day. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: June 04 2016

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking Tracking #Filipino Perpetrated and #Foreign Supported #Organized #Stalking, #E.L.F. #SENSORY or #NEURAL #MANIPULATION, #BEHAVIOUR #MODIFICATION/CONDITIONING, #HUMAN #EXPERIMENTATION, #TORTURE, VERBAL/NOISE #HARASSMENT, #SABOTAGE, #OPPRESSION AND #ABUSE

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04_19-18-08.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_19-18-08.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Remote Controlled Induced Choking

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_18-41-43  sudden itchy throat_chokin.3gp *   Really no idea what the hell these are all for EXCEPT TORTURE. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Murmurs of Doom

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_18-14-27 as i look out the door_dh says_wala.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Gossip

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_18-12-38  remark near door.3gp *  More often than not, INSULTS, CHARACTER ASSASINATION or BROKEN DOWN RECORD sounding ONE-LINER LIES. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Peeping Maniacs 2

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_18-10-10 as i exit cr_uproar.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04_17-51-29.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_17-51-29.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The "Silent" Threat

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_17-46-02 said very softly near window_pasukin mo.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Peeping Maniacs

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_17-22-54 loud hoot_while changing shorts.3gp *  This is behind the four corners of my room.   Wonder HOW THEY DID THAT? Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04_16-31-57.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_16-31-57.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Verbal Assault

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_16-09-33  tv off+dhs yell.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Neural Torture Continued

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_16-09-11  feelin heavy+lower back pain.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: More Remote Neural Torture

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_14-49-47 feelin very tired+lower back+ ab pain.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04_14-16-02

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_14-16-02 sudden tired movin+cant breathe+kid irritating screams.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04 14-21-47.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04 14-21-47.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04 14-11-23.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04 14-11-23.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04 12-20-45.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04 12-20-45.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Mors Neural Torture

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_11-30-24  lower back pain.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04 10-06-57 my vox reply.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04 10-06-57 my vox reply.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04 09-10-29.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04 09-10-29.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04_08-35-28.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_08-35-28.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160604_062917.amr

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160604_062917.amr Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: More Brain Washing

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_08-30-02 idea_there is no job.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Neural Torture & Brain Washing

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_08-23-45  feelin bad+images.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04_07-45-09.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04_07-45-09.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-04 07-43-05.aac

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-04 07-43-05.aac Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: More Neural Manipulation

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160604_035043 very itchy nose.amr Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Neural Manipulation

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160604_032641 very itchy eyes.amr Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Pro or Anti

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 16-10-27 reactions_after deleting pic of a caucasian man.aac *  They cant really seem to figure out which side they're on. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: If You Cant Beat Them, Mock Them

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_163203 after threats_mockery.mp4 *  If you cant scare them to death, MOCK THEM stupid, or as the constant and prevailing tactic of these Filipino perps go.  I wonder if it works.  Do I sound STUPID to you? Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The HOLLOW NAGGING Voices of Doom

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_162836 more threats_tapang mo.mp4 *  Goodness, I just deleted the picture of a man whose face keeps reminding me of FALSE HOPES, and after the recent attack, of ILLUSIONS of PROTECTION.   Just imagine if these SELF PROCLAIMED UNSOLICITED ADVISERS (and NAGGERS) or persomality CRITIQUES have been SET LOOSE AROUND ME, and at EACH STREET CORNER and WORKPLACE I have been to, as PASSERSBY or OFFICE EMPLOYEES, you could probably guess HOW MANY TIMES I GET VERBALLY ABUSED, MALIGNED, INSULTED, and ATTACKED in a day.  That was before.  Nowadays, I am being monitored and attacked almost EVERY MINUTE, and they are getting MORE IN-YOUR-FACE DIRECT ATTACKS.  When I was still working, a group of youngsters even had the galls to shout LUNATIC a...

Gang Stalking Live: We Are the Chosen (Pervs)

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_161606 stool noise_as i finished deleting pics.mp4 *  The JABBA the Whore Camp RESOUNDS in PROTEST.  They are somehow suffering from some form of DELUSION that they REPRESENT and are the SPOKESPERSONS of this guy.  Composed mainly of FAGS, BISEXUALS, UNWED MOTHERS, NANNY SKIMPY-SHORTS WHORES, and muscled LESBIANS, you could say they are the ACCURATE representation of the  LGBT revolution in the Philippines.  Every bit as CONFUSED as their FOREIGN counterparts. And if I am not mistaken, the creep who attacked me came from their GENDER SHIFTING ranks. Oh and in case you're wondering why I HATE THESE PERVS with STRONG HOPES to put them to the BRINK OF EXTINCTION is that they have been QUITE THE HARASSMENT and BRIDE TRAFFICKING COORDIN...

Gang Stalking Live: That Lovin (Death) Feeling

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 16-15-15 chest constrict_feeling very bad.aac *  And  they LOVE TO ACCUSE me of being the STINKER.  They really are one hell of a CONFUSED LOT. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Retard or Second Childhood

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 15-58-21 soon as finished eating_motorbike revs up.aac *  I sometimes really wonder if they're trying to CONDITION me into thinking that I am a RETARD or suffering from SECOND CHILDHOOD symptoms.  And they HATE IT when I start ACTING LIKE ONE, and ACCUSES me of being a LUNATIC. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Practice What You Preach

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01_07-32-36 local song_sermon like.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: More Harassment Summons

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01_07-02-59 slams while in cr+dh spits as i neared window.3gp *  Try this with your employees and see if you don't get a RIOT in your hands.  As history has shown, treating people like SLAVES NEVER REALLY WORKED.  I am just really wondering why these NON-PAYING FREE-LOADING CHEAP SHITS have this GODDAM IDIOTIC IDEA that it would work on me. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Insult to Injury

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01_06-45-19 phone fell in water_phone not working+kid giggles.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: palpitations+more mockery.amr

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_024936 palpitations+more mockery.amr Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160601_020731.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_020731.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160601_020417 dhs react.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_020417 dhs react.mp4 *  Meanwhile, some TWITCH on my left leg and some MORON in my head is giving me the "impression" that I must have MISUNDERSTOOD the message of the drama. Double-standard QUACK CHAUVINISTS. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160601_015618 drama next door.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_015618 drama next door.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: What The Hell For

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_015149 self talk_will never marry u whoever d fuck u are+reaction next door.mp4 *  After FIFTEEN (15) YEARS, I am still being made to believe that this was some kind of LONG DISTANCE relationship with A REALLY SICK BASTARD.  So why am I still getting dragged along? Because I DON'T HAVE A GODDAM CHOICE. Reminds me of the GODDAM BODYGUARD turned RAPIST.  Just recently  they were trying to "SELL" the SURROGATE "concept" which turned into "CHILD ABUSE". Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: E.L.F. Torture or Teaser

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_013403 left side of neck starts to twitch.mp4 *  What kind of SICK MORON would even think that a TORTURE DEVICE can be used for ENDEARMENT? Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Interactive "GROSS" Messaging

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_003156 dh sneezes to my movt.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Aggravators

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_002319 snap next door+feelin pissed+idea_what d hell was that for_reacting to ur every movt.mp4 *  I SWEAR, I was not the ONE who was getting TOO SENSITIVE and IRRITATED with these noises.  It's like some BIPOLAR and POST TRAUMATIC sufferers are using my head like some GODDAM PODIUM SOUNDING BOARD, with an ON-OFF electric shock SWITCH to MY CHEST. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 160601_000619.mp4

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 160601_000619.mp4 Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-01_03-56-59.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01_03-56-59.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Summons Trivia

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01_03-54-48 car horn_as i turned light off.3gp *  What could be worse than a prostitute for hire?  To be summoned by A MERE CAR HORN by EVERY OTHER GODDAM DICKHEAD who for some UNKNOWN GODDAM REASON THINK that you are PUBLIC PROPERTY. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: 2016-06-01_02-51-41.3gp

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01_02-51-41.3gp Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: To The Scheming Mafia and The Morons Who Pay

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 13-08-48 no deal forever.aac *  This statement, on the other hand, can TRIGGER A RAGE RESPONSE from these perpetrators.  But they're just going to HIDE IT with a LOUD SCRIPTED GUFFAW. But the DICKHEAD who recently attacked me, and tried to cover it up by CLAIMING that it was JUST ACTING (favorite alibis), couldn't help himself from "ACTING" like an EXTORTIONIST JAILER. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Guantamo Right At Home

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 12-12-28 provoking noises+my rage response.aac *  E.L.F.  SUBTLE SHOCKS, or whatever the hell it is they're doing can really drive you insane.  Like you're suffering from PANIC ATTACKS but you just couldn't tell where the hell they're coming from. Added to TIMED LOUD NOISE, and you instantly become a victim of TORTURE.  No need for an isolation chamber in Guantamo. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: The Voodoo Ritual Cover Up

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 02-53-31 nonstop palpitations+very tired+sore chest.aac *  E.L.F.  "professional" WITCH DOCTOR strikes again.  This sounds funny, but NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.  And what's their objective?  After 15 years of going through this type of NEURAL TORTURE, and going in and out of psych ward-looking HALFWAY HOUSES, it suddenly dawned on me that I am truly surrounded by PSYCHO MORONS trying desperately to COVER THEIR STUPID ASSES, and not by well-meaninged "HEALTH PROFESSIONALS". Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Rubbing It In

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 00-15-07 dh whistle happy tune_ rec files folder empty.aac *  Just couldn't RESIST to RUB IT IN.  And they claim to be PROFESSIONALS.  Professional squatters is more like it. Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: Audio Recordings Sabotage

Tracking Filipino Gangstalking, Black Propaganda & Harassment (audio): The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard (and in My Head) Chronicles 2016-06-01 00-05-57 batch of audio recs auto deleted fr this rec app.aac *  I have an ANTIVIRUS and ANTI MALWARE SOFTWARE and STILL they are able to do this.  Makes you really wonder WHAT'S SO GODDAM IMPORTANT about these PURE NOISE and TOTALLY NOTHING but TRASH "OPERATIONS." Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking

Gang Stalking Live: June 01 2016

The Mafia (or Retards) in My Backyard Chronicles: Daily BLOGS, PICTURES, or AUDIO and VIDEO RECORDINGS related to Gang Stalking Tracking #Filipino Perpetrated and #Foreign Supported #Organized #Stalking, #E.L.F. #SENSORY or #NEURAL #MANIPULATION, #BEHAVIOUR #MODIFICATION/CONDITIONING, #HUMAN #EXPERIMENTATION, #TORTURE, VERBAL/NOISE #HARASSMENT, #SABOTAGE, #OPPRESSION AND #ABUSE