Killed For Being My Babies 2
I would suddenly find my snails FLOATING the next morning, LIFELESS or STIFF and BARELY BREATHING even though
they were all alive and well (after checking on them) before I went to bed the night before.
The large breaks couldn’t be due to a long fall as their tubs (1-gallon Tony Roma’s popcorn tubs) weren’t
that high; they were eating vegetables that were carefully washed (as per instruction from credible online sources) to rid them of pesticides, and which they had been eating, if I remember correctly, for three (3) months without
incident; and the SUDDEN DEEP ABRASIONS that seemed to happen overnight couldn’t possibly be caused by tap water which had been aerated long enough, and placed with eggshells for calcium.
The first few that died I can probably acknowledge as a result of ignorance, but the succeeding rapid deaths
(in batches) of the week-old or month-old babies, and the disappearing hatchlings were just too much.
The usual alibis (as if they are even legally justifiable) of these SELF-PROCLAIMED dis-organized “nannies”
crime syndicate include such bullshit as they are for my own good since I am not really an agriculturist and my limited resources (and space) with my family’s lack of support – even though my oriental nigger-influenced
sister was the one who suggested to start a sustainable business in the first place – gave them “good” cause to do such BARBARIC deeds, to stave off my snails’ rapidly growing population.
I wonder what their BS claim or purpose was when I only had ten (10) home grown snails left, but they still
killed two (2) of them recently, a male and a female, when they MUTILATED and SNIPPED OFF their feelers.
I quarantined them to a smaller tub to keep a closer eye but they still died a few days later. Before they
died, they could not properly move or raise their mouths to eat, or accurately locate the food around them, but they could still eat nevertheless. One of them, the male, even started to get active again but then suddenly
died the next day.
I am still not convinced, up to now, that malnutrition was the cause of their deaths.
Since the beginning of the summer months, my mother had not been sleeping here at night so I can’t possibly
suspect her of being an accomplice again. But I could not fathom either as to how the hell someone could possibly sneak into our incredibly small room in the middle of the night without waking me up with the slightest noise.
I guess only the E.L.F. toting, death-like sleep inducing, sense-numbing, military doctor (or nurse) LOSERS around here can answer that.
I only have eight (8) of my home grown snails left, out of the forty-plus (40+) wild predecessors with their
newborns and hatchlings which had numbered from five hundred to six hundred (500-600), after they had been relentlessly SABOTAGED and KILLED by this secret society of IMBECILES and SADISTS.
And this was all because I saw behind those cute beady eyes with elephant-like soft snouts, and jellyfish
footed, mushrooms-looking gliders, something worth caring for again, in the midst of all these seemingly endless cycle of abuse, deception, slander and violent aggression of over 20 miserable years (and getting longer) which
for some HIGHLY PERVERTED reason or SICK joke, are still being generously dished out on me again and again.
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